Fleet Flow

It’s “go big or go home” when it comes to hauling using step deck (also known as “drop deck”) trailers. Transporting oversize and over-height freight is a major responsibility, not to mention needing to navigate organizational and logistical minefields to keep your firm solvent.

If you spend a significant portion of your day looking for and evaluating potential step deck loads, haggling over prices and step deck freight rates, generating and completing all the paperwork required by regulations and industry practices, monitoring for and ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation and sector guidelines, you won’t be able to focus on getting these large step-deck or flatbed available loads where they need to be safely and on time. That’s where Fleet Flow Dispatch comes in.

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Streamline Your Shipments with Our Cargo and Logistics Solutions

Any Question?


If You:
• Have an MC number for at least three months
• Have an equipment we work with
• Ready to travel interstate

Prepare the necessary documents:
• W9 form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification)
• Insurance (certificate with liability cargo policies with us listed as a certificate holder).

Unfortunately, we can’t start our cooperation right now if you don’t meet all the criteria. Do not hesitate to reach out to us once you are ready, we’ll be happy to assist you!

phone call: +0 (000) 000-00-00.

Sign the dispatch agreement. It is the basis for our services that comes along with limited PoA. It gives us a right to represent the customer’s company on its behalf among different people.

We are all set. Let’s get to work.